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Looking for Better Health Coverage


* Because you pay too high premiums?

* Because your deductible is too high?

* Because you doctor is not "in network"?

* Because you don't want Obama-Care?

* Because you want to save money?

* Because you want freedom and make the best          _decisions for your health?

* Because you don't want to pay a tax-penalty


If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above click the button below to find out about better options

About us

Just like most of us, we are hard working people trying to provide for our families. One of the largest bills we had each month was the medical insurance premium. 


We could not afford this insurance any longer. So we researched other options which we are sharing with you today. We want you to know there is better healthcare available for less money with better benefits. 

We are not talking about Obama-Care!

Through extensive research I found the right solution for me and my family. Right now I have premium healthcare benefits for less than half the price. Money is not invested in a big insurance company, it's invested in an awesome non-profit organization.

As a Christian I want to share the information I have, so you can make a wise decision for you and your family. 


We compared pricing, benefits, services etc. of many major health insurance companies and compared them to alternative healthcare providers: You will be amazed at the results!


  • Lower Monthly Premiums

  • Low out-of-pocket expenses

  • Choose any doctor, specialist and/or facility you want

  • No tax penalty because of having no insurance 

  • Excellent coverage with low out-of-pocket expenses

  • Excellent Maternity program


- No age restrictions


- No age related premiums


- Pre-existing conditions covered (see guidelines)


- Also works as a Medicare supplemental


- Recommended by Dave Ramsey, the    financial guru


You can get     Reviewing Commercial Insurance to Alternative options - Christian Healthcare Ministries VS Medi-Share

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