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I was looking for an affordable insurance plan with a low deductible and good coverage for my  family. Before the research we had a premium plan which cost nearly $1,200.00 per month for a family of 3 and it had a high deductible. As a result we ended up with high medical debt. This is what motivated me to do this research and share it with everyone!


Compare Commercial Insurance Companies

Below is a compact overview showing only the most significant results from the research I conducted last year. I was looking for premium insurance coverage.  


I concluded that I did not like any of the plans the major insurance companies offered, due to high out of pocket expenses and high premiums. 

Compare Commercial Health Plans
Please note: the info below is not the conclusion to our research. Press the button below to continue and see the conclusion of or research

Prices listed are per person. Coverage and prices change all the time (usually more expensive!) and it also varies per person due to age etc.

Insurance Company              Plan                                                          Monthly Premium                  Annual Premium                 Personal Responsibility & overall review of benefits

Florida Blue


Florida Blue

Assurant Health

Florida Blue 

Blue Select 1449


Blue Care HMO 1487


Select all copay 1457











Deduct. $6,000 - Max. out of pocket $6,250/year Low doctors visit copay, high ER cost, high testing cost, no good Rx coverage

Deduct. $4,250 - Max. out of pocket $6,250/year Reasonable doctors visit copay, high ER cost, high testing cost, $1,500 Rx coverage to meet before you enter copay tiers

Deduct. $2,500 - Max. out of pocket $6,250/year Low doctors visit copay, high ER cost, low Rx copay

Deduct. $0 - Max. out of pocket $2,000/year. 
25% co-insurance you pay on most services. Reasonable doctors visit copay, high ER cost, Low Rx copay

Decuct. $0 - Max. out of pocket $2,000/year.
Low doctors visit copay, low ER & Rx copay.

Or continue to read the research below

Believe it or not but the Florida Blue "All Copay 1457" ended up the least expensive in a period of 5 years for my personal situation, considering the following facts which are reasonable to assume when you have a pre-existing condition:

For this research I created this likely/possible scenario:
* Period over 5 years, for a family of 2
* 1x Hospitalization
* 1x Urgent Care
* 1x Special testing
* 6x Primary Doctors visit 
* 10x Specialist visit
* 60x Prescription drugs tier 1
* 30x Prescription drugs tier 2 

Based on the data above I found that 'Florida Blue All Copay 1457' cost me about $46,500.00 (over a period of 5 years)
including premiums, deductibles and co-pays. 


While with other insurance policies (which were less expensive in premiums) would cost me  $50K - $55K applying the same data mention above. $46,500 (this is out of your own pocket!) is a lot of money and it would be hard to afford the premium 
($676.68 per month).


Conclusion: Commercial health insurance is way too expensive! How can anyone afford these amounts in this economy?


The research continues as we are going to compare alternative options. Instead of investing in a commercial company, let's compare not for profit organisations who offer simular benefits.

Click on the image to see the comperhensive

spreadsheet which was created to compare

health insurance and get to the final conclusion of affordable quality healthcare.     Reviewing Commercial Insurance to Alternative options - Christian Healthcare Ministries VS Medi-Share

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